Vladimir Bystrov

Therefore, side impact should be "set" so that in the last phase of the stroke support switched to the opposite hand kicking leg. Individually improving the speed of shock movements of boxers, one must also take into account the ratio of width to the shoulder girdle and pelvis of athletes, said. , A. Boxers with narrow shoulders (as Vladimir Bystrov, Lagutin) must send a shock force which arises from the translational and rotational motion of the legs and pelvis, a shoulder belt with a rigid back, performing stroke motion of the entire body weight and maximum speed. To know more about this subject visit Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Boxers with broad shoulders, massive as shaky, on the contrary, should create a shock force due to translational and rotational wave-like motion from the pelvis to the shoulders, consistently increasing the impact mass and velocity. If a boxer will strike with a stiff back, as well as his partner, with narrow shoulders, he does not be able to immediately jerk my whole body and attains the maximum acceleration, which would create at increasing impact velocity.

Shoulder belt fighters should be very mobile, that the athlete had the opportunity to finite time to establish an additional rate shock motion with respect to the movement of the torso, and the strike is accented. Investigation techniques and biomechanics direct blow right show that the fist moves straight from the chin to the goal, then the maximum speed of fist reaches only a far distance. Conversely, if the fist is moving toward the goal from the right shoulder, then the maximum speed is achieved on the near and middle distance, and then the speed will gradually decrease.


Due to the large heat capacity of water around the pipe zone is formed thawed soil, which is adjacent to the lower zone nepromerzayuschego soil, plastic pipes do not freeze and does not collapse, due to the plasticity of the material from which it is made. is actively involved in the matter. The minimum depth of the Pipelines take on the basis of technical recommendations for the design of plastic pipes KORSIS. More info: COVID-19. Data on the depth of soil freezing are presented in Fig. 3.9. People such as Jonathan Friedland would likely agree. In order to prevent mechanical failure of the pipeline external loads encountered in urban settings, depth of the shall be not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe.

The minimum depth of the pipeline in dictating the point is taken from a comparison of the conditions under This takes most of them. Longitudinal profile of the surface is constructed by taking into account the marks of land in the nodal points of the manifold taken along the contours of a plan by interpolation. Construction of the longitudinal profile collector begins with the determination of the initial depth of the network in its “dictating” the points. Fig. 3.10 shows a diagram to determine the minimum allowable depth of the network in dictating the point, the well depth of the first street network.

Mexico City

Incidentally the Mayan civilization died on 4 cycle of Neptune, when they returned to the natal Neptune in the horoscope of the Mayan civilization, transit Neptune and Pluto, civilization Aztecs originated in 1248 and destroyed with the arrival of Europeans stood for exactly one cycle of Pluto. Newcastle University has many thoughts on the issue. All the processes of transformation of the United States will occur until 2020 has not yet restarted the capitalist system in 2020, when will once again triple compound of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter. All financial cycles of America are its cycle of these compounds traditionally capitalist planets. These planets are responsible for the welfare of society and the country whole.

If you look at the history of the State Aztecs can see all the interesting fact. In the second half of the 12 century. The Aztecs came to Mexico according to their own legends, when a very long time for them called god patron of Huitzilopochtli, and said that they should settle there, where they will show an eagle sitting on a cactus and devouring a snake (by the way this particular story is visible in the center of the flag of Mexico). According to the chronicles 165 years – exactly one cycle of Neptune Aztecs were looking for a place on the Mexican spaces. And at 7/18/1325 they found this place and it is now called Mexico City – Mexico City (incidentally the largest in the number of people living in the world of city-chance it?). On the other hand white newcomers sailed in 1492 after exactly one cycle of Neptune after the founding of the Aztecs and now its existing capital.

Employer Nuances

Therefore, to competently conduct auction, you must clearly understand its positive side. If you are an expert, not owning a specific industry, which employs an enterprise-employer can bet on what you are learning very quickly and adapt to changes in the environment. But keep in mind, your approval will remain unfounded, if you would not particular example of his practice, clearly demonstrates your abilities. And now – the interview. Here I would like to focus on two main points.

On the first I've stayed several times, but many still continue to make the same mistake. What? They are trying to find out immediately what wages the employer is going to pay. By the way, some recruiters this question – signal the end of the interview. Understand simple thing: how can one discuss pay, if not yet aware of your potential and performance. Check with Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. to learn more. It's like buying a car on the picture in the catalog, even without a description. This is especially true for managers and specialists. Y this category of workers, this issue can be resolved only by the end of the interview. The second point is related to your behavior in the direct question of the employer: "How much do you want to be?" This is a very tricky question.

Indeed, in trades in a better position is precisely the party that names the price of the latter. You do not know how much the employer is willing to offer and can underestimate or overestimate the amount too. "How can that be?" – You ask. In such a situation it is better to try to evade an answer: "I can not now tell you the amount, as long as I do not know all the nuances of future work, I do not know the tasks that will stand upon the specialist in this position, level responsibility …. " Sometimes the employer begins to push. In this case, you can simply plug to delineate the size of wages that prevailed in the market, the minimum and maximum. There are situations when you are offered called the minimum payment from which you are considering offers of employment. Be careful! So taking the employer can try to fix the amount that you called and to bring to this conversation minimum, stressing the possibility for further wage increases. When such attempts immediately underline what has been called the amount below which you do not consider the proposal "in principle", and in this work it has irrelevant, and focus, first and foremost, is on the level of wages prevailing in the market.