
According to the directives of the World-wide Organization of the Health (the WHO), the daily diet of an adolescent, who can vary according to takes a more or less active life, must be superior to the 3.500 daily calories. A diet balanced in the adolescence must contain the same proportions of nutrients that in any other stage of the life: a 60% of carbohydrates, a 25% of fats, a 14% of proteins and a 1% of vitamins and minerals. Besides balanced, the feeding of the adolescent must rich and be varied, without prohibited foods, not even those that do not have good reputation, like hamburgers, the red meats or the candies, since the key is in the moderate consumption. To educate to eat well The nutritional education also must consider the effervescence and the revolt that characterize this stage of the life. The diet does not have why to be boring and difficult to take. The most recent tendencies in nutrition flee from the tax thing and coercive. Several studies are demonstrating that the more rigid we are when the marking the dietetic norms, the less we secured the wished effects. And this is observed convincingly in the thinning regimes.

To this age they are extremely dangerous if properly they are not directed by a specialist. The nutritional imbalances not only can produce alterations in all the factors of cardiovascular risk, like elevation of the cholesterol and, very especially, appearance of obesity and diabetes, but also that can repel negatively in the mood and the appearance of nourishing upheavals. Preoccupation by the body and nourishing upheaval The adolescence is a especially vulnerable stage before all the forms of pressure and social fashions and, without a doubt, one of the predominant ones are the cult to the body and the identification of the thinness with the success in the interpersonal relations. Thus, the preoccupation by the weight and the figure are exaggerated still more in this period and in feminas. One is a worrisome combination for both more frequent nourishing upheavals: the anorexy (to refuse to eat) and bulimia (disturbed necessity to eat). The food becomes an emotional food thus.

The by ricochet total attitude or of frenetic delivery to that emotional food tries to fill or to palliate existential emptinesses, affective deficiencies, loving frustrations of all type and disappointments. These nourishing upheavals can affect the hormonal balance. In the girls it can bring about an amenorrhoea (disappearance of the menstruation) and in the boys the inhibition of sexual desire. Also complex alterations in some neuroqumicos mechanisms take place. The serotonin levels are altered, an important neurotransmitter that regulates the mood, the anxiety and the processes of compensation and satiety. Original author and source of the article.