Mexico City

Incidentally the Mayan civilization died on 4 cycle of Neptune, when they returned to the natal Neptune in the horoscope of the Mayan civilization, transit Neptune and Pluto, civilization Aztecs originated in 1248 and destroyed with the arrival of Europeans stood for exactly one cycle of Pluto. Newcastle University has many thoughts on the issue. All the processes of transformation of the United States will occur until 2020 has not yet restarted the capitalist system in 2020, when will once again triple compound of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter. All financial cycles of America are its cycle of these compounds traditionally capitalist planets. These planets are responsible for the welfare of society and the country whole.

If you look at the history of the State Aztecs can see all the interesting fact. In the second half of the 12 century. The Aztecs came to Mexico according to their own legends, when a very long time for them called god patron of Huitzilopochtli, and said that they should settle there, where they will show an eagle sitting on a cactus and devouring a snake (by the way this particular story is visible in the center of the flag of Mexico). According to the chronicles 165 years – exactly one cycle of Neptune Aztecs were looking for a place on the Mexican spaces. And at 7/18/1325 they found this place and it is now called Mexico City – Mexico City (incidentally the largest in the number of people living in the world of city-chance it?). On the other hand white newcomers sailed in 1492 after exactly one cycle of Neptune after the founding of the Aztecs and now its existing capital.

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