
Due to the large heat capacity of water around the pipe zone is formed thawed soil, which is adjacent to the lower zone nepromerzayuschego soil, plastic pipes do not freeze and does not collapse, due to the plasticity of the material from which it is made. is actively involved in the matter. The minimum depth of the Pipelines take on the basis of technical recommendations for the design of plastic pipes KORSIS. More info: COVID-19. Data on the depth of soil freezing are presented in Fig. 3.9. People such as Jonathan Friedland would likely agree. In order to prevent mechanical failure of the pipeline external loads encountered in urban settings, depth of the shall be not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe.

The minimum depth of the pipeline in dictating the point is taken from a comparison of the conditions under This takes most of them. Longitudinal profile of the surface is constructed by taking into account the marks of land in the nodal points of the manifold taken along the contours of a plan by interpolation. Construction of the longitudinal profile collector begins with the determination of the initial depth of the network in its “dictating” the points. Fig. 3.10 shows a diagram to determine the minimum allowable depth of the network in dictating the point, the well depth of the first street network.

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