The Knowledge

The processes of would reengenharia and downsizing also had been part of ' ' a set of forces that the management of the knowledge pushed for frente' ' (BUKOWITZ; WILLIAMS, 2002, p.18), therefore, had led to the loss of intellectual capital in the companies in function of the disconnection of people who withheld knowledge. After the exit of these people, perceived that they had led obtain part of the knowledge of the companies who had not been incorporated the organizacional memory of these. Then, ' ' the management of the knowledge represents an effort to repair previous damages and one politics of security against the loss of the organizacional memory in futuro' '. (BUKOWITZ; WILLIAMS, 2002, p.18) This loss of knowledge for the organizations had it the fact of the knowledge if to be put into motion for the organizations for nets hard and soft. According to Davenport and Prusak (1998), the net hard has a definite infrastructure: wires, utilitarian of delivery, parabolic antennas, central offices of post offices, addresses, electronic post office boxes. Whenever Larry Fine listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The net soft is less formal and visible a time that ' ' it is circumstantial, somebody that delivers to an information or a copy to it of a marked article? for its information? soft&#039 is an example of an information of the net; '. (DAVENPORT; PRUSAK, 1998, p.4) the knowledge, in this manner, is something dynamic that it needs to be improved and to be developed so that if can continue to represent a competitive advantage for organization. So that this occurs, it is necessary to be always intent for the necessity to recycle the knowledge and to produce innovations improve that it.

' ' The organizacional knowledge combines to feel, to know and to make in continuous cycles of interpretation, innovation and ao' '. (CHOO, 2003, p.351) 4. CIRCULATION OF the KNOWLEDGE INSIDE OF the ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT a time established preconditions and the too much necessary aspects to the implantation of the GC, fulfill to explore the process of circulation of the knowledge? KCP, for intermediary of its components, as to follow.

The Bridge Memory:

The bridge memory: some clues to read Manuel Rodriguez Vega In all there are some genuine artistic work reading keys that function as keys to access the expressive content of the author and creative motivations. Here we hope to offer some clues about the work of our friend Manuel Rodriguez Vega, now gives us some memories about his childhood in Barrio Cantera de Ponce. The first key word is just the memory, because on that cornerstone is built his entire proposal.Let us define memory as the human faculty that throws us into the past in order to decipher this. He is the son of the child, said Nietzche. Yes it is, because everything that touches us in childhood builds us. To a large extent we are what we hear, we touch, we learn, enjoy and suffer when we were innocent. What we see from the purity is the substrate of our personality. We are because we can remember. Our memory takes us by the hand like a father, by the way of life. Even the geography where we live is installed, forming deep our bridges, rivers and houses. We are made of memories. In this exhibition we see as a symbolic reference Manuel main architectural structure of his memories: the bridge. It is a suspension bridge built with concrete piles, steel cables, wooden planks and cyclone fence that traveled countless times and it was like a big toy for him. This bridge no longer exists in the neighborhood but lives inside of our artist.And now he wants to speak and say something about Billy, as he still called his old friends from Manuel Cantera. The function of each bridge is to connect two sites divided by the topography of a site facilitating human communication. This bridge linking two communities where they lived their family and friends. For Billy it was as an observation point that allowed him to capture all environmental perspective: the suburbs, the ball park far away in the middle of a barren and dry land where once there were crops of sugarcane. Also, macag itas giant trees and a mountain of waste land in the urban revolution result of Ponce to the ’70s, tells us. From the bridge watching the daily operations of the population, natural disasters, fires, floods … A people proud of their origin and with a particular idiosyncrasy. From the fields, many struggled to adjust to new life in the city.But this bridge is more than a memory: it is the symbol of the memory itself involved in constructive activity of the personality of the man, husband, father and artist is Manuel. Remember the bridge from childhood is a bridge between present and past. Is to revisit, reconstruct, analyze what we have been finding out why and what we want to be. Another important interpretative key to reading this colleague of ours. The book before us is not easy. Our friend was very demanding on himself as an artist and requires much the viewer as interpreter. We see his works where there are tensions and strains, figure and abstraction. (A valuable related resource: Maida Vale). Rich textures that speak of his fondness for writing poetry two-dimensional surface through the juxtaposition of paint layers and experimentation with industrial materials.In this series there is a discourse based on fragments of an exterior landscape transformed by an operation now subjective introspection encoded by the boards of the bridge, the knots in the wood of these tables, lines, furrows of design, high voltage cables , spots and textures of stone or cement, water reflections, etc.


In the regulated cases which need a communication or responsible declaration or the granting of a licence for an activity for an indefinite time, the duration of the provision of the service may only limit when: 1) responsible for declaration or authorisation is renewed automatically, 2) only subject to continued compliance of the requirements, 3) that the number of available authorisations is limited by the scarcity of natural resources or unambiguous technical impediments4) that such limitation could be justified by the existence of an overriding reason of general interest. In relation to the preceding paragraph, the provision of services only may limit to a single part of the Spanish territory for reasons of order, security, or public health or for the protection of the environment. All such restrictions must always be motivated According to criteria of proportionality and non-discrimination. More information is housed here: Peter Rose. As we have said before, the providers of services of a Member State shall have the right to provide such service in Spain, except with the exceptions discussed above or in those cases restricted by the relevant sectoral regulations. Without prejudice to the above, as a general rule, not may be limitations such as the need that the lender should: 1) settle in Spain, 2) authorization to a local authority, 3) entered in a register, 4) to register in a school or professional association, 5) obtain a specific identification document, 6) the use of certain equipment or materialsexcept for reasons of health and safety at work. As a result of all this has been modified the law 30/1992, of 26 November, legal regime of public administrations and of the procedure Administrative common, stating that in the event any public administration need to restrict the development of an activity, they must do so taking far less restricting, motivating and justifying their actions, in order to protect a public interest, avoiding any discrimination between service providers difference of course.