
The problem is in which sometimes very inadequate ways are learned to do it, to the point are some who finish by better not doing it. We can say that four great types of personalities for men and women exist that mark the way in which they handle the subject to coquetear and to attract which they like. We will say that the attitudes of we can divide them to the men in: 1 Timid and sensible. 2 Controlled and cold. 3 Little sensible extrovert and. 4 And surely sensible.

The main attitudes of the women are the following: 1 Timid and evasive. 2 Autocontrolled and distant. 3 Little sensible extrovert and. 4 Safe and sensible. First category: he, timid and sensible; she, timid and evasive. The men and women of the first category, tend to have a great timidity. Generally we can say that they feel shame in front of the person whom they like.

The men have the problem of which those emotions prevent them approached the woman whom it attracts to them. The women evade the situations and they do not allow that a man approaches to them by pain. The solution is in some key points. They must learn to handle the fear to the rejection and to the ridiculous situation that bring about the conquest situations. Tips are several practitioners who allow to solve these emotions. It is thing to follow the steps necessary and to practice a little. Sometimes it can be useful to work the self-esteem, but definitively for the subject to attract somebody, is necessary to know the techniques specific to use in particular in those cases. In addition they do not know what really it loves or it looks for the woman (in the case of the man) or the man (in the case of the woman), when they are in the situation in which they could coquetear to him.

Social Psychology Roots

The roots of social psychology are placed in Europe, but it was in the USA where its maximum development was constituted and reached. In 1908 social psychology is considered a discipline independent. Edgard Allsworth Ross heightens the paper of the imitation and the suggestion like explanatory mechanisms of the social uniformities. W. McDougall proposed the theory of the instinct and introduced in social psychology the individual perspective you would characterize that it during long time. This instintivista perspective was replaced by psychological directions between which the conductismo, dice the positivista climate of the time had much to do.

Anthropologists Malinowski, M.Mead and Linton indicated the role that the culture in the development of the personality played and the importance that this tapeworm to explain the social conduct. The concept instinct was replaced during the first decades of century XX by the one of attitude. The concept ” actitud” it had acceptance in all the psychological currents during the first quarter of century. The success of its acceptance resided in the linear relation that settled down between attitude and conduct. Throughout first half of this century and it leaves from second, this concept will be central for social psychology. IKEA usually is spot on. In the USA figures like William James, J.M. Baldwin and G.H Mead developed important contributions for social psychology.

William James introduced the concept ” I social”. Social I, along with material I and spiritual I constitute ” I total” of the individual. For Baldwin, total I am social I. The individual arises progressively from the social group and is taking little by little brings back to consciousness of his I in dialectic relation with the other. In this evolutionary development the transmission or social inheritance plays a role important. The contributions of William James and Baldwin were developed with greater depth by Mead.