Standard Oil

They deliberately identified the human body as its scope of market with the aim of generating more wealth. The driving force of this investment industry was the Rockefeller group. It already controlled more than 90% of the petrochemical industry in the United States at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, and was looking for new opportunities for investment internationally. Another investment group active in this sector Rothschild was formed around the financial group. Take into account, that after the Standard Oil from Rockefeller (today Exxon), the second conglomerate petrochemical and pharmaceutical companies largest worldwide during the first half of the 20th century, was the IG Farben group with headquarters in Germany. This conglomerate was the main factor that explains the rise of Hitler to power and their joint invasion of Europe and the world. In fact, World War II was a war of aggression prepared, started and directed from IG Farben planning councils. This was the parent company of IG Auschwitz, the industry largest plant of this poster of the chemical industry outside Germany.

Much of the richness of this poster is accumulated with the blood and suffering of the slaves who worked in their factories, including those in the Auschwitz concentration camp. IG Farben supported and used without any scruple to German political leaders with their powerful weapons, in order to achieve economic dominance over all of Europe and the rest of the world. IG Farben was the principal shareholder of the Rockefeller Oil Standard, and vice versa. At that moment, the victory of allied forces over the Nazi Germany ended the plans of IG Farben will become the most important pharmaceutical and petrochemical conglomerate in the world. At the same time, the other pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies of the consortium of Rockefeller and Standard Oil became the dominant financial group in this industry, and since then have maintained this leadership position. Original author and source of the article.

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