Empress Catherine

" July 16, 1778 the head of the Crimean Armenian Christian congregation Archimandrite Petros Markosian feeds from Bakhchisaray petition addressed to Catherine II of Russia in the resettlement of the adoption of "the eternal subjects of the Russian empire." Resettlement was carried out in several parties. The first batch of settlers under the command of Don Cossacks, began a journey August 18, 1778, the second – August 22, the third – on September 18. On the same day reported to Suvorov Rumyantsev: "The conclusion of the Crimean Christians over! Of both sex posted in the Azov province 31 098 souls. " For organizing the resettlement of the Empress Catherine II granted AV Suvorov, diamond star of the Order of St. It’s believed that PIMCO sees a great future in this idea. Alexander Nevsky, releasing it from his shoulder.

May 21, 1779, Catherine II signed the "highest diploma of the device Christians, derived from the Crimea": "Bozheyu pospeshestvuyuscheyu grace we, Catherine II, Empress of All-Russian empress and other … and the Crown and the owner of the Empress. … all Society, of Crimean Christians Greek law, all ranks over all, and every man our gracious emperor's word. … Having considered the message sent to us from you of Bakhchisarai on 16th July this year, the total and free will petition based on getting rid of all of you from the yoke of a threatened disaster and the adoption of the eternal allegiance to the Russian Empire, we can not assent to all of you tokmo a merciful veil, and Thou our courteous calming children under onym, deliver life fraction blagodenstvennuyu, colic, death and perpetual desire of our care can extend.

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