
It is obvious that a person when chooses definitive profession finds innumerable reasons for which the same one will dedicate part of its life to characterize itself, or even though to dedicate the proper life to help people. He will be that the professionals of the health are if forgetting this? He will be that they are only crowding the nursing facultieses, medicine, among others only for status or will be for some special reason as to save lives? What we have seen in ours day-by-day and in the reporters strengthens the hypothesis of the first example. See more detailed opinions by reading what muscular dystrophy offers on the topic.. Lamentable! Main wronged for all this clutter human being is the users whom obligatorily they appeal to these little able professionals to understand that what is in question is well-being of the population who if felt vulnerable to as many errors. Me the administration of the institutions of health, either public or private, is a predominant factor for the degradante position that if finds the current system of Brazilian health. She is necessary to create a new model of management, to include fiscalization of the services given in clinics and hospitals, to make a control of qualification of the professionals, to humanizar the teams and to make to remember them that the final objective of all professional of health, doctors, nurses, assistant, at last, is to save the life of the people.

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