
What is the time? Everyone knows that. Who serves a foundation? Information about foundations, ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Gerd Bucerius here saw his task in the promotion of education, science and culture, as he in 1971 was the impetus of the ZEIT-Stiftung. Named the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius”the then 65-year-old began not only his own reputation for the Foundation’s work. She also co-founded the time weekly”and the nickname of his second wife were named after. Three thematic areas it considered priority for the famous Publisher, CDU politician and former lawyer. Professor Roy Taylor may find this interesting as well.

Science and research, art and culture as well as education and education should be promoted through the Foundation’s assets. During the years 1971 to 1997, the Foundation headed by Bucerius’, or his wife, could support considerable 90 concepts and programmes with around 15 million euros. After the death of Bucerius in 1995 and his wife two years later, the entire private estate fell the spouses of the Foundation to. So the Foundation could continue to evolve today to one of the largest private foundations. Dean Ornish M.D brings even more insight to the discussion. With a current endowment of 725 million euros and a support budget of 24 million euros, an immense capacity for capacity has become possible. Programs for student stays in the United States and to support local universities in life were first called in the initial phase. Scholarships from the Gerd Bucerius-Law program”specifically attacked law students under the arms, which were as particularly qualified.

Art promotion operation the Foundation at that time especially in Hamburg, the home of the founder of the Foundation, by intensively supported the local literary scene. In later decades, the sphere increasingly expanded and evolved into the large project, which today represents it. The spectrum of the ZEIT-Stiftung is diverse and results in all areas of education, culture and science. So, for example, that rooted Hamburg Bucerius art Forum”, the Bucerius learning work Read”or the Gerd Bucerius Prize free press in Eastern Europe” in the Foundation of her namesake. The Foundation by Michael Goring, even over long years in promoting College Foundation will be active as acting Board of Directors forwarded since the death of the Bucerius Foundation founder and his wife. 32 full-time Foundation staff provide for the implementation of the objectives set at the time, according to the Foundation motto: promote knowledge – enriching culture – opportunities.

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