What Is Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, is a metabolic disorder in the area of the skeletal system. It means that bone mass and bone structure are lost or greatly diminished. Because the bone is reduced, deterioration of the tissue structure of the bone – it loses stability and elasticity. Over time, the bones are more susceptible to fracture, a fracture can occur in extreme cases, even without a fall. Makes itself felt like osteoporosis At the beginning of osteoporosis few complaints occur, for example, has sometimes back pain. Typical of the advanced osteoporosis fractures for no apparent reason, one also speaks of spontaneous fractures. These fractures cause severe pain and deformity, which in turn can cause severe muscle spasms. Due to breaches of the vertebral bodies, patients are getting smaller and it results in a rounded back, the one popularly known as “called dowager’s hump”. Causes of osteoporosis are at particular risk women after the menopause,accelerated because of the lack of sex hormones to bone loss. While men have osteoporosis by testosterone deficiency is rarely affected. Age of osteoporosis is called the age of 70 Year of life. For older persons is a fracture can be, especially the common femoral neck fracture mean that they are to nursing case is no longer able to independently care. Risk factors for osteoporosis who has fair skin and delicate bone structure may have an inherited tendency to osteoporosis. The occurrence of osteoporosis in the family is a warning signal. But there are a number of factors, one can even influence, to protect against osteoporosis. Osteoporosis facilitator are as follows (mostly preventable) factors: * physical inactivity, long bed rest * Inadequate supply of calcium, for example, through food, in various diseases of the digestive tract, metabolic disorders and kidney weakness * Strong smoking, regular (high), alcohol and coffee consumption long term * with cortisoneMedical treatment If you have permanent back pain and some of the risk factors apply to you, you should talk to your doctor. X-rays and bone density measurements show the condition of the bones or in the course of therapy, whether the loss of bone mass or even progresses regresses. The main objectives of drug treatment are to relieve pain and slow down bone loss and the formation of new bone mass. This one is depending on the stage of the disease and hormones such as estrogen or calcitonin, certain compounds of phosphorus and fluoride. As a basic therapy are calcium and vitamin D. The drug, however, show no effect unless the bones and muscles are also strengthened by physiotherapy. Vertebrae are broken or damaged, the orthopedist ordered a temporary corset. What you can do yourself Anyone who has appreciated already in the youth through sport and a supply of calcium-rich diet of bone, has a lower risk of osteoporosis. Nevertheless, even if you already have osteoporosissuffer, you can achieve with physical activity and healthy eating a substantial improvement. It’s never too late! Every day a little exercise, a brisk walk and 1 – to 2 times a week, strengthens the muscles go into the pool and thereby stimulates the bone. But they should also be noted that you take in enough calcium in the diet. Adults need 1,000 milligrams per day, that is, for example, 100 grams of cheese or 1 liter of milk (skim milk is better) for your cholesterol. Information and valuable support, the now numerous osteoporosis support groups.

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