
We live in a society of images, where the sound lost its value. The world finds its answers and certezas only in what enxerga. But nor always it was thus, had a time where to the transposition of experiences passed through the orality of parents for children, it was not only one form of respect with oldest, but mainly one forms to receive important information for the survival. Orality is understood then as the transmission of what the writing is not capable to repass and then can place in first plan the emotions. The verbal speech has the power to arrest the listener at the moment where it discloses, through it speaks (tune and I silence), the feelings lived for who account a fact, a situation. ' ' The narrator is a master of the craft that knows its necessity: it has dom of the advice. It was given to enclose an entire life.

Its talent to tell comes to it of the experience; its lesson, it extracted of proper pain; its dignity is to count it until the end, without fear. A sacred atmosphere surrounds narrador.' ' (BOSI 1994, P. 91) Many times same that the person whom she tells is not the same one that she lived the facts, still thus the feelings of the weight of the original narrative remain, perhaps, as a form of respect, or same of fear of the consequences of if modifying history. However exactly that the narrator of this history does not perceive, the close influences of each one modify history. Not that he is something thought, but the simple change of narrator and the space/time modify gestures, tune and voice and with this also dumb history. ' ' To a great extent, to remember is not to reviver, but to remake, to reconstruct, to rethink, with images and ideas of today, the experiences of the past.

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