Webguerillas Coronation Web Cafe A

Relaunch of Web site and social media support for force foods Munich, June 7, 2010: the webguerillas, Germany’s leading full-service agency for alternative advertising, are the extensive relaunch involved JACOBS Coronation product site. In addition the Munich-based creative care for the Facebook page and the blog and the Forum by JACOBS coronation. After the word-of-mouth project for the introduction of the first three-layer latte Macchiatos for that Padmaschine last year’s end of JACOBS Coronation that Jacobs Coronation Web Cafe the second major project of webguerillas power foods. The initiative for the good conversation”by JACOBS Coronation was transmitted for the first time in the course of cooperation on the Web. ALS Act takes a slightly different approach. Maintained by the webguerillas, a blog and a forum in the form of a Web cafes of to interact with the brand and for the exchange of invite other coffee lovers.

Also, the user receives information about the JACOBS Coronation products, promotions, the JACOBS crowning event tour and the loyalty program. The action aims to create new and interesting topics of conversation for user. In addition to the Facebook page of the JACOBS Coronation latte macchiato (www.facebook.com/ LatteMacchiatoFans) the moderate webguerillas now also the site of Coronation of JACOBS (www.facebook.com/ JACOBS.Kroenung) in the social network. There are presented regularly current topics and discussions initiated. A brand modernisation and – emotionalization is increasingly and successfully in the social Web”, so David Eicher, Managing Director of webguerillas. Jacobs Coronation is an excellent example of this. The Web Cafe created a central platform on which all online and offline activities are linked together. Integrated social media components and its own Facebook page, the direct dialogue with the consumer is strengthened.” The Agency is a full service provider for alternative advertising webguerillas.

The portfolio includes all forms of advertising in the online and offline area, the target audiences with unconventional ideas surprise and entertain. The Munich-based recruiters were awarded in many cases and are among the leading agencies in Germany for viral campaigns, social media activities, guerrilla, Word-of-mouth-, ambient and mobile marketing, as well as for blog and website concepts. Additional business fields such as alternative PR and online monitoring round off the offer. Among the customers of webguerillas are among others Deutsche Telekom, Bacardi, MINI, ADAC and Zott. Webguerillas GmbH currently 37 employees. It was founded in the year 2000. “The Agency has won numerous awards: 2010 was the stern.de campaign with the LeadAward in the category advertising campaign” award. 2009, they took webguerillas gold online star and bronze at the London International Awards for the MINIMALISM-spot, as well as four times the OttoCar award. Also, she was nominated for the design award of the Federal Republic of Germany. in 2008, the Agency received the iF communication design award for a T-Mobile event, 2007 Awards, such as the German Dialog marketing award, three international Davey Awards (two gold, a silver) and the iF communication design award-digital media. At the New York festivals won the webguerillas bronze in the category entertainment promotion and the Web Marketing Association has honored the site wet T-Shirt Worldcup”for Unibet as ‘Outstanding Microsite’. Contact: webguerillas GmbH Daniela Mayer phone: + 49 (0) 89 1893 089 – 23 E-Mail: