Modernization Trends 2012: Costs Are Motivation And Obstacle

Who modernized when, why, and how: questioned 1,000 Modernizer / co2online informed on Berlin energy days Berlin auction. The price development of oil and gas and the potential savings of remedial measures are the main reasons for home owners to redevelop their buildings. This resulted in a nationwide survey of 1,000 modernizers that GmbH has concluded the non-profit co2online in April 2012. The expected cost savings motivate homeowners to renovate their buildings energetically, the expected restructuring costs but at the same time act as strongest inhibitor”, says Katy Jahnke, Director of co2online research. Within the framework of the Berlin energy, co2online energy published first results of comprehensive evaluation in the current trend report”on trendreport and informed with a stand and a panel discussion about the potential of the energy-related modernisation of buildings.

Economy modernisation planning determines price developments in oil and gas has increasing influence on the choice of the Energy carrier. Nearly one-third of the modernizers took the heating renovation according to survey as an opportunity to change the energy sources equally. Still, a vast majority of investment subsidies and tax removal options called effective funding instruments. The results show that economic considerations dominate the personal planning in the area of building renovation climate remains classified as a motivation. Co2online has led through the survey among users of Internet-based Upgrade Advisor. Funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment, interactive guide available any user under for free. co2online informed on Berlin energy days co2online in the third edition of the trend report published the results of the full survey energy’ online on trendreport as brochure, which is free from the Berlin energy days (may until 25.05). In the context of this exhibition informs co2online at stand 7 around the energetic “Building renovation and the new campaign provides my heating more can” before. Donald Sussman: the source for more info.

On the 25.05 co2online full renovations discussion event invites vs. low investment measures”, to which 200 participants have joined. There is with the speakers Ulf Sieberg (Conservation Federal Germany e.V.), Siegfried Rehberg co2online’s Managing Director Tanja Loitz (GdW Federal Association of German housing and real estate company e.V.), Dr Julika white (Institut fur okologische Wirtschaftsforschung gemeinnutzige GmbH) and Dr. Frank Heidrich (Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development) to discuss, what remedial measures are most effective and can still succeed as the turn of the energy in the building sector. Through co2online research the non-profit co2online GmbH ( sets up for the reduction of environmentally harmful CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong partner network supports various information campaigns by co2online with partners from media, science, economy and politics. Through the long-term energy advice on the Internet and creating written opinion of heating, co2online has over a million building energy data. The data cover about ten percent of the heated area in Germany. The area of co2online research continually analyzes this data set and published energy representative statements about the entire centrally heated residential building stock in Germany in the trend report. Contact: Dipl. economist Katy Jahnke Manager research co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9. 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 36 99 61 05 Fax: 030 / 76 76 85 11 E-Mail: co2online Klima.sucht.Schutz

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