Internet Health

Many are grateful for each tablet, which do not need to ingest. The short treatment time, the good tolerability and the low cost of the therapy (pain therapy approximately 20 euros per session for self-pay) are more sweeping arguments, any interested party can easily understand the. “And so it happens that 20 years every day in my practice a dozen Schmerzgeplagte gather: the young mother with five children and a broken” back as well as the climber with the wrist problem, the older ladies with the thick finger joints, which can no longer even keep a coffee mug, the superwoman with the persistent tension-type headache or the murderously Lord with the unsuccessfully treated shingles neuralgia. And I’m proud of in my practice there are no cortisone, no unnecessary chemicals and virtually no pain medication regulations. It will be weighed in each individual case whether the Mesotherapy necessary and indeed the best treatment option is. If so, then I must also recommend it.

And by the way my patients and I not save very much money, and that the health insurance companies and the whole system quite sure at the expense of the health. And after now more than 650 physicians and health practitioners regularly use the alternative Mesotherapy in Germany, a lot comes together: benefits and savings. And the trend continues, maybe we surpass even the mother country of Mesotherapy, France, where the popular method is taught in University and paid for by the health insurance companies in the future! “Seen from this point it can be in pain after the” only get better for the WHO level schema: holistic, individual and targeted, according to the motto of the inventor of Mesotherapy, Dr. Michel Pistor: medicinal products Yes but little rarely and in the right place “.

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