Intercultural Mediation

Depending on the scope of work and the status of the parties in the mediation process, it can be said that there are different types of medications, such as family, cultural, intercultural mediation, etc. The cultural mediation consists of an action set that favors cultural integration of immigrants and their inclusion in the society’s reception to a level of equal dignity. Alongside the personal dimension of mediation is then that collective, which includes groups and associations and facilitate a true and own social integration. Mediation, so considered, is the soul of migration policy and the same integration because, by placing the end of decisions which are preferably instrumental nature, leads to wonder about the meaning of the coexistence of different culture people and to identify and pay operating a chain functional and enriching opportunities. Intercultural mediation is given provided that there are different cultures in contact. It is a manifold phenomenon, without that there is a single model, since it has to cope with different kinds of conflict that undergo it, due to the social reality in which they enroll and occasionally in the relationship to be maintained with each other resolution mechanisms.

This transformation of mediation ability is the key to the boom that is getting in our days. The figure of the mediation today constitutes a full and plural, fairly recent phenomenon that has not much more than ten years in Spain. Here we should make it clear that the scope of mediation that interests us refers to which occurs in the plurietnicos or multicultural contexts’ which speaks Gimenez Romero, usually as a result of the influx of immigrants, implying most of the times the presence of several language s, communicative values and models systems. According to Gimenez Romero (1997: 142): we understand Intercultural mediation – or social mediation in plurietnicos or multicultural contexts such as: a modality of intervention by third parties, in and about social situations of multiculturalism significantly, oriented towards the recognition of the other and the rapprochement of the parties, communication and mutual understanding, the learning and development of coexistence, the regulation of conflicts and institutional fitness, between social or institutional actors differentiated etnoculturalmente.

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