Georges Bernard Shaw

The writer Irish, Nobel literature Georges Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), left him written in very revealing way: If you have an Apple and I have an Apple and we exchange apples, then both you and I still have an Apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, both then we have two ideas we are induced and invites to analyze problems, i.e., to split the world into small units of analysis. Us has said over and over again, that facilitates the complex tasks, however, analyzing and fragmented, we lose perspective, a vision, vast and more extensive, more global and systemic. Go to Hania Rani for more information. And with this linear analytical thinking, if we want to have a global representation, we are forced to assemble again, the parts that we had separated for analysis. Go mess. Systems thinking means putting into practice of a series of knowledge and tools, useful for understanding a complex reality. It’s a way of thinking that You can contemplate the whole, perceive invisible weft of acts which analytically, we could not understand.

Modify the way of perceiving reality, i.e. changing analytical thinking to a systemic mode of thought passes through you begin to try to understand the full (rather than conform to understand some scenes) film, perspective or the place from where the problem occurs, modify the usual way of understanding problems, based on the search for culpritsby another based on the analysis of structures, unintended consequences, and search of interdependencies between all the scenes. Linear analytical thinking, is derived from the search for quick fixes. And when the problems are many, add, one after another, this whole series of quick fixes. In this way we obtain that the problem referred, but we forget that is so ephemeral. In the organizational world and company, this acquires great importance, since it is the key for efficiency and the efficiency, detect what are the structures that intervene in order to send the unwanted effects; rather than keep adding, one after another, solutions that reported a transient feeling of satisfaction.

Arvind Subramanian

Does not seem a difficult to answer clear questions that do not. But it is a question that always generates much debate. And in the United States.UU., by these times still, because fears the downturn of the economy, which generates should be added you for workers fears that generate them FTA. Learn more at: Thomas Bayer. Why American workers afraid to FTA? Two weeks ago, the renowned American economist, Larry Summers, wrote an article in the Financial Times on the matter. Larry Summers, a promoter of the free movement of capital around the world, was now worried about the impact of FTAS could have for American workers since it could affect them adversely limiting the ability of negotiation that possess and jeopardizing their sources of work.

But what is happening with the opinion of those Liberals such as Larry Summers advocated free trade? Devesh Kapur, Pratap Mehta and Arvind Subramanian in another article from the Financial Times explained with clarity. For liberal economists, free trade is beneficial because a proliferation of prosperity is generated through countries and although there were winners and losers, on balance the result was positive since the greater proportion of the population of both developed and developing countries would benefit but the increased competition facing the American economy is making change seem to economists than thought, as Summers, defended free trade. No longer see so clearly the benefits that agreements such as NAFTA produce in the American economy, since threats to American workers cannot them see. Summers now sees the growth of the emerging countries more as a threat than as an opportunity. Is it so? Is it true that the growth of emerging economies driven in part by the export sector is a threat to the United States.UU.? Actually there are several aspects to be tested. ES true that the promotion of trade agreements increases competition faced by U.

Make A Fortune With The Marketing Of Niches

What you can do to make money from your home. Somehow, the need for an income for your business is a universal problem. Currently people most expect to generate that income leaving your home each morning, driving several miles and working eight hours in a concrete building. However, the future of work is going toward a dramatic change. Increasingly more people with different lifestyles are seeking ways to generate income from home using the web commerce with their computers. Opportunities to generate income from home are increasing as demand for work from home increases.

Many mothers with small children, disabled people and pensioners who need a supplementary income as well as capable, healthy and young, people looking for jobs online or start your own business on the Internet. One of the reasons why so many people want to work from home is that need for a huge investment to start a business there is no in line. It is not necessary to invest much in the development of the product, with some experience in almost any subject, can start simply by writing an e-book and promoting it, or getting a website and promoting products that others produce. People who promote products made by others are a modern version of the old seller door to door except that instead of hitting a door by time, doors of millions of people hit at the same time via the Internet. Another attractive reason that leads people to work at home or to create small businesses is the fact that you do not need to incorporate more personal a sole proprietorship works perfectly. One person working from a computer can, at present, achieve the same that previously required the work of many people many hours. A sole proprietorship does not require filing tax returns separately, nor pay special taxes on income as in a corporation or an LLC (limited liability company) or even a society.

Pacific Ocean Indigo

A prominent lawyer and Chinese collector discovered an ancient map which, he said, could bring down one of the Central doctrines of Western civilization: that Europeans were the first to navigate the world and discover America. (The truth is that nobody who knows anything of history believed the story that Columbus was the first to come to America. We should remember that since the Vikings and even more distant in time, the Egyptians with their cocainomanas mummies bear witness that many came before first. See Jonathan Friedland for more details and insights. The most convincing is undoubtedly Piri Reis, which have maps and good support) the Chinese map, which was drawn up in 1763, but has a notation that says that it is a reproduction of a map dated 1418, presents to the mundocomo a balloon, where all the major continents are presentadoscon an accuracy that European maps did not for at least another centuryAfter Columbus, Da Gama, Magellan, Diaz and other browsers.However, the map did not have a warm part of some reception Chinese academics and seems unlikely that convince skeptics that Chinese sailors were the first to go around the world. Liu Gang, partner of a legal study of Beijing known amateur historian, said on Monday that bought the map to $500 in a bookstore in Shanghai in 2001 and that then newly discovered its value. He said that he had consulted academics in the field and he had done a research on your own before deciding to show his finding in public.

(In this respect is having doubts, regularly such things are the product of counterfeiting) important thing is not the map itself, he said in a press conference. It is the possibility that the information contained in the map will change history..