The Outcome

The child forgets what was the reason for his illness and ceases cry. I do not keep account of such experiments, but so far performance – 100%. Theme: "Communicating with your child" is inexhaustible, because the ability to communicate effectively and at the same time to enjoy not only the outcome, but also from the communication process is an art – to master that requires not only knowledge of the laws of communication, but also specific techniques of effective communication. The use of psychological techniques. The set of methods and techniques effective communication developed by psychologists and psychotherapists in different directions. Some of these techniques are quite complicated and their use requires special training.

Other feasibly everyone who wants to learn and use them to communicate with their relatives and friends. Let's see how some of these techniques in practice. Ability to share his toys – an important social skill. Parents, realizing this, often impose a ban on greed. How often do we hear the phrase: "Do not be greedy, to be shared, etc." Such bans are not effective initially. For example, the phrase "do not be greedy" contains a particle "NO", which is often struck out the perception of the child (he hear the rest – "greedy").

This ban belongs to the category of negatively formulated, since it indicates the child that he should not. In this case, the desired variant behavior glossed over. In the second part utterance "must share" is the word "must", which is known to be generally discourages doing anything.

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