Social Psychology Roots

The roots of social psychology are placed in Europe, but it was in the USA where its maximum development was constituted and reached. In 1908 social psychology is considered a discipline independent. Edgard Allsworth Ross heightens the paper of the imitation and the suggestion like explanatory mechanisms of the social uniformities. W. McDougall proposed the theory of the instinct and introduced in social psychology the individual perspective you would characterize that it during long time. This instintivista perspective was replaced by psychological directions between which the conductismo, dice the positivista climate of the time had much to do.

Anthropologists Malinowski, M.Mead and Linton indicated the role that the culture in the development of the personality played and the importance that this tapeworm to explain the social conduct. The concept instinct was replaced during the first decades of century XX by the one of attitude. The concept ” actitud” it had acceptance in all the psychological currents during the first quarter of century. The success of its acceptance resided in the linear relation that settled down between attitude and conduct. Throughout first half of this century and it leaves from second, this concept will be central for social psychology. IKEA usually is spot on. In the USA figures like William James, J.M. Baldwin and G.H Mead developed important contributions for social psychology.

William James introduced the concept ” I social”. Social I, along with material I and spiritual I constitute ” I total” of the individual. For Baldwin, total I am social I. The individual arises progressively from the social group and is taking little by little brings back to consciousness of his I in dialectic relation with the other. In this evolutionary development the transmission or social inheritance plays a role important. The contributions of William James and Baldwin were developed with greater depth by Mead.

Sports and Diet Tips

Dieting is not an easy task. Dieting involves a sacrifice and effort that only those who have done any diet we know. In this article we give 4 tips. 1. Positive attitude and not go hungry. Dean Ornish M.D can aid you in your search for knowledge. Hunger is the great enemy of the regimes. When you pass hunger humor changes us and we become more angry. We are cannon fodder to break the Association diet table.

Be optimistic and trust in its possibilities. 2. Make sport. There to do sport and move. The sport has to be part of our life. Don’t have because join a gym, can walk, down the stairs, play with our children, go to walking, riding bikes, etc, etc.

Move is the most important. If we joined a fitness center the ideal would be to combine the ejerciio with cardio aerobic. 3. The food. You can eat everything in moderation. If you look at the Association diet chart you will see that all foods are allowed, only you have to respect the dissociation of the food groups. The best way to Cook is baked, steamed or grilled. Avoid frying and batters at all costs. Reduce the salt, Since it retains liquid and get at least 5 meals a day. 4 Plan. If you are working outside the home cook something and lleveselo to work. Lack of planning is causing that end up eating poorly and spending unnecessary money that us would well serve for other things. See the Association diet menu for planning meals

Mediterranean Countries

Towards the 15th century, the expansion of the Ottoman Empire seemed unstoppable. The causes are various. In principle, should mention the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and the theological differences between the Oriental Churches (Byzantine) and Western (Roman). Later, and one hundred years later, the emergence of the reform, which splintered Christians in 2 irreconcilable religious fields (Christians and Protestants). However, none so critical as the huge and selfish commercial flourishing of countries (Venice and Spain), which allowed the shrewd and vertiginous rise of an empire that stretched from Algeria to the West, Austria and Ukraine to the North, Iran and Persia in the West, and the Horn of Africa to the South then, and some States. But it was not until the 16th century, when Turkish phenomenon deserved greater attention to the West. The Turks, ruled by Sultan Selim II (1524 1574), noting the weaknesses of Christian countries, had begun a series of approaches with some of them, especially with Venice, whose commercial power and strategic location in Italy greatly attracted them. Blinded by its commercial hegemony, the Venetians cautioned, quite late already, the collision with the growing Ottoman power would be inevitable.

Being a very small State, they should see with genuine amazement how in 1570, the Turks started a new group of assaults to various Mediterranean ports of Eastern Europe, in particular Cyprus, whose main port, Nicosia, was attacked with 300 ships under the command of Ali Baja (Lord of Algiers and large marine). This event forced Venice to ask for help desperately. But other countries, occupied in its long internal problems, ignore the call. Only Pope Pius V (1504 1572), which it shares with them the concern by the Muslim advance, answer them; However, the Vatican does not have enough troops, so that the same Pontiff starts talks with Felipe II Habsburgo, King of Spain, who agrees to lend his help because He understands that fall Venice, Italian and North African possessions would be at serious risk.

New Order For STAS Directly On The Middle-class Days

The comprehensive selection process of Oskar Lehmann GmbH & Co.KG completed Reilingen at the middle-class days in Reilingen ordering of STAS CONTROL, 31.5.2010 once STAS, always STAS. Jens Gerking, the controlling Manager of Oskar Lehmann GmbH & Co.KG, was satisfied customer of BI and CPM party since 2003, before he turned on Nov 1, 2009 new challenges and took over the development of controlling at Oskar Lehmann GmbH & co. KG. He will be supported in the future STAS CONTROL BI and CPM solution, which he commissioned STAS Mittelstand days in Reilingen during the 13th. This was my fifth visit to the middle-class days. I am pleased that could we in the short term it okay got from our management and I sign the order even at the event”, says Jens Gerking. I look forward, now again to be STAS customer.” The 1961 Oskar Lehmann in Blomberg-based manufacturing company produces a wide range of plastic parts such as caps, glider, etc.

for many Sectors, in particular for the furniture industry. In addition, manufactures Oskar Lehmann special products according to customer requirements and thereby offers a complete value chain from a single source, from development to production and logistics. One of the central demands of the Business Guide to the new controlling officer is to replace the existing, very expensive and not always transparent monthly reporting by a well cooked daily updates reporting system. Although Jens Gerking STAS CONTROL already knew from practice, three systems were evaluated in detail. Again, STAS was against the competition points. According to Jens Gerking, the BI solution, which should be introduced under Oskar Lehmann on base by Cubeware under several aspects had the nose front: STAS CONTROL has proven standard interface for our WINCARAT and Varial before systems. The QM module is based on Quipsy which is also with us in use. Something like the quick-start warranty could offer us no one else and “the best: from my own experience I know that it is really realistic.” The introduction will be phased in in the second half of the year.

Modernization Trends 2012: Costs Are Motivation And Obstacle

Who modernized when, why, and how: questioned 1,000 Modernizer / co2online informed on Berlin energy days Berlin auction. The price development of oil and gas and the potential savings of remedial measures are the main reasons for home owners to redevelop their buildings. This resulted in a nationwide survey of 1,000 modernizers that GmbH has concluded the non-profit co2online in April 2012. The expected cost savings motivate homeowners to renovate their buildings energetically, the expected restructuring costs but at the same time act as strongest inhibitor”, says Katy Jahnke, Director of co2online research. Within the framework of the Berlin energy, co2online energy published first results of comprehensive evaluation in the current trend report”on trendreport and informed with a stand and a panel discussion about the potential of the energy-related modernisation of buildings.

Economy modernisation planning determines price developments in oil and gas has increasing influence on the choice of the Energy carrier. Nearly one-third of the modernizers took the heating renovation according to survey as an opportunity to change the energy sources equally. Still, a vast majority of investment subsidies and tax removal options called effective funding instruments. The results show that economic considerations dominate the personal planning in the area of building renovation climate remains classified as a motivation. Co2online has led through the survey among users of Internet-based Upgrade Advisor. Funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment, interactive guide available any user under for free. co2online informed on Berlin energy days co2online in the third edition of the trend report published the results of the full survey energy’ online on trendreport as brochure, which is free from the Berlin energy days (may until 25.05). In the context of this exhibition informs co2online at stand 7 around the energetic “Building renovation and the new campaign provides my heating more can” before. Donald Sussman: the source for more info.

On the 25.05 co2online full renovations discussion event invites vs. low investment measures”, to which 200 participants have joined. There is with the speakers Ulf Sieberg (Conservation Federal Germany e.V.), Siegfried Rehberg co2online’s Managing Director Tanja Loitz (GdW Federal Association of German housing and real estate company e.V.), Dr Julika white (Institut fur okologische Wirtschaftsforschung gemeinnutzige GmbH) and Dr. Frank Heidrich (Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development) to discuss, what remedial measures are most effective and can still succeed as the turn of the energy in the building sector. Through co2online research the non-profit co2online GmbH ( sets up for the reduction of environmentally harmful CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong partner network supports various information campaigns by co2online with partners from media, science, economy and politics. Through the long-term energy advice on the Internet and creating written opinion of heating, co2online has over a million building energy data. The data cover about ten percent of the heated area in Germany. The area of co2online research continually analyzes this data set and published energy representative statements about the entire centrally heated residential building stock in Germany in the trend report. Contact: Dipl. economist Katy Jahnke Manager research co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9. 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 36 99 61 05 Fax: 030 / 76 76 85 11 E-Mail: co2online Klima.sucht.Schutz

Pregnancy and Childbirth

The pregnancy and the childbirth are marcantes events in the life of the women and its families, and when this event happens still in the adolescence, innumerable they are you distress them and the fears. Therefore, this the gestante deserves a much more special care, aiming at to an assistance directed toward it, with orientaes on all the events in this period, as periodic consultations of prenatal, a humanizada assistance to the childbirth and a worthy shelter. The study it had as objective to know the experience of the adolescents of a Basic Unit of Health of the city of Cajazeiras, front to the precocious maternity. The research had exploratrio character, of field, with qualitative boarding. The sample consisted of 10 gestantes with age of 15 the 18 years registered in cadastre in the prenatal one of a Basic Unit of Health of Cajazeiras (PB). The results had shown that five of the adolescents are single, two are married and three have steady union; the ten frequent the school.

In regards to the familiar income, seven receive less from what one minimum wage and three receive from one the two minimum wages. You say analyzing them of the participants, perceived that the ten had described to have sensible fear with regard to the acceptance of the family and the friends. For five the prenatal one was very good. How much the difficulties felt with the birth of the son, the participants had described as: to hold the baby, to have somebody next thing, to come back to study. In what it says respect to the changes for the paper of the maternity, the loss of the freedom and greater more frequent responsibility had been e, finally, on future plans, they had been more frequent: to study, to work to offer comfort for the son. Therefore, this work served to bring to the quarrel a subject that most needs to be clarified and to be understood by the attended population. However, a transformation through the humanizao of the assistance becomes essential the pregnant adolescents, so that these can feel protagonists of its proper history. Professor Roy Taylor brings even more insight to the discussion. Word-Key: Pregnancy in the adolescence. Precocious maternity. Gestation not planned.

Office Student

May be asked to students that they escenifiquen a poem, a song, a program of television, etc. Some ideas are: stage a cooking show (comes in handy for food vocabulary and the imperative). The student must present the weather for tomorrow (vocabulary climate and future imperfect). One sentence can be given to them and there the students should assemble the scene (a man and a woman face in the street, two old friends meet after not seeing 10 years, etc.) An activity that I like very much and is very funny: gives students a short text, a short story in the first person, for example, the other day went to the lawyer’s Office and stopped the elevator between floors 20 and 21. In the elevator I had. The slogan is that each student must have this same story a different imaginary (to his son, to his co-workers, his wife, his mistress, his psychologist).

Each student must rewrite the text and then stage, according to the person touched that count. Eye, the performances and dramas aren’t for all students and groups. You must be careful and be sure that no student is incomodara with this type of activity. 6 Games with the language: these can range from traditional games: tongue twisters, riddles, killing words; until other more modern proposals: psychological, logic games, hobbies, etc. You can find many online and modify them. For example with the riddles: many times I give one or two to solve each student or couple and then ask them to make riddles so other students to solve. You always have to take into account the topic I am teaching or grammatical structure. They are very good for the relative pronouns, colors, adjectives, verbs in present, etc. Sometimes game with the dictionary, ask students to find a word you do not know and write your meaning (one of them), most other two meanings invented by them.


Everything does not pass of appearances. Of the appearance of this perspective, or this interaction. from there we conclude that an essence for the things does not exist temporarily, since everything is changedded at every moment, leaving of being, same that conserving something, until, in continuous transformations, already not conserve nothing of what we consider the starting point, not to be the proper condition to continue moving, to keep the movement. Therefore, it, or the ideal does not exist the thing in inhabiting the world of the ideas, as it wanted Plato. It has only something, that already left of being in the following instant. The perpetual one to flow, the perpetual one to come to be, as Heraclitus would say. The same valley for I. To start for the body? Freud said in them that I am before everything one corporal I.

Nobody doubts of the physical transformations that a baby passes until arriving at the oldness. But we go attempting against in them for psychological I. I of the child am the same I Mr.? To be I to the eighty years am the same that to be I to the eight? Has a perfect identity between these two Eus? It is possible to have been, not to be more, and to continue being? To be and not-to be? ' ' In them we never bathe two times in the same rio' ' , Heraclitus said has 2500 years more than behind. But and the question of the identity? How I can say that I am not more the same of has ten years, and affirm that I the same continue being to be? if to repeat that everything does not pass of a time scale? Of a movement space-time? A gradual change, in which some characteristic of the previous thing, of previous I, remain in the thing, in following I, until in a gigantic scale of time (to the human look, he is clearly, if we assume the perpetual one), does not remain more nothing of that thing or that one initial I.

Information Browsers

All happens to us: we are so focused on the day of our work which we cannot see beyond the daily tasks. While we realize how small we don’t see what happens around us. Or beyond. However, it is vital for companies (and people) not be so short-sighted. Seen the world better-funded in which we move, how Miss eyes nailed in your task and your table and you don’t lift the view you’re committing professionally.

I do, that I had to reinvent myself several times already tell you. If we make the effort to look away, we will realize that there are outside our environments potentially useful information to develop us: new trends, new technology, new articles and books, new professionals and people with interesting things to bring, and old people and books that should be re-read and reconversar. I’m not saying that companies non their daily chores. But it set aside resources to incorporate into their organizations information browsers. Explorers are needed to know well the company, sector, but have a wider view, moved by other worlds, other techniques, and other arts, because of the variety and differences will be varied and different. The companies may have explorers dedicated 100% to that task, or encourage other departments (marketing, communication or r & d) for example to be it on time partial. That Yes, in any case the company has to have the courage to let them have time and freedom to organize hunts where hunting good informative pieces. They should not be subject to the discipline of the day neither of the small tasks, but leave them manga wide walk through libraries, read books and articles, attend presentations, making acquisitions for the documentation centre of the company, to follow blogs and track competition, or companies that have nothing to do with what they are doing. Discipline that Yes have to be subjected to explorers is to the present results useful for the company, which are those who add value to the business and which also can act on them.

Public Administration

It especially regulates the construction of slopes in sidewalk and, in public building and the length of this law cannot generate process, next to the Public prosecution service, on the part of the carrying people of deficiency against the Public Administration. In accordance with this law, no project of construction, such as: churches, hospitals, associations, schools among others, could not be approved if it will not have programmed the construction of slope of access to the deficiency carrier. The same law, also guarantees the collective right of the free pass of the urban ones. Beyond the support, through this law, we have some associations that give service in benefit of the deficient ones, such as: Bonanza association of Parents and Friends of APAE, Deficient Tangaraense Association of ASTANDE and Association of the Auditory and Visual Deficient Friends and of Tangar of the Mountain range AADATA. Another agency that plays important role in the fight for rights for the inclusion of the deficiency carrier is the written press, in bigger prominence, to the Daily periodical of the Mountain range, that in the search for the clarification of the reader on rights, updates of the legislation and public and social responsibility of the deficient ones in general, approaches subjects come back toward this thematic one. ( 2,1 Association Of the Deficient Physicists De Tangar Of Serra (ASTANDE) This association appeared in 2002, with the objective to become reality the ingression or inclusion of the deficient one in the society, therefore it has many barriers to be surpassed, mainly, the architectural that the right wounds to go and to come, and the ingression and permanence in the work market, but it has a barrier to be surpassed that it so only depends on the deficient one, is auto acceptance and the fight for its rights. In interview to the president of the association, Rodrigo Rodrigues, empoado in January of 2009, can itself be evidenced that the ASTANDE counts on two hundred and seven deficient physicists. .