
One garotinho five year talked with its mother, the way of the school. Of given hands, deviating calmly from the few people with who they met in the way. (Not to be confused with Professor Roy Taylor!). The woman looked at well for its son. She was a busy entrepreneur, badly she was in its house, and that small ' ' passeio' ' it was a excesso. She was not accurately sensible stops with the problems of strangers, and so little she imported herself with this.

When crossing a street, in such a way hasty mother already one, was hindered for the son to continue. It said: ' ' Mother, that man is asking for to money pra there to buy food! Coitado! It does not go to help? ' ' the woman answered: ' ' You still are a little new pra to understand this, but some people ask for money to support vices, and dissimulate that he is pra to eat. Moreover, if it worked would not pass fome.' ' Menininho did not believe this very, but exactly thus it kept silent and it was for the school. Some years if had passed, and the woman lost the job. After very looking for, already with about 40 years, (age not very accepted in the market of work) and it finished going to the bankruptcy. Separate of the husband, the only son is to live with the father, and nobody was offered to help it.

Alone and without job, it arrived to pass hunger, until it was to ask for money. The only answers that received, had been seemed this: ' ' I doubt that it is for buying food. Beyond what, if it was working, it would not need money. Trabalhar.&#039 goes; '

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